Science in Cooking – Piazza Venerio e via Savorgnana
Science in Cooking
- Stand 1: Can you recognize the quality of ham?
- Stand 2: All about beer, from the field to the mug
- Stand 3: Food safety in the region: focus on the rainbow trout
- Stand 4: Getting to the roots of a new diet
- Stand 5: Foods under control
- Stand 6: Apple stories
- Stand 7: Flavour and Knowledge Raising
- Stand 8: Home-Automation is served
- Stand 9: Tasting and Sensory Analysis
Can you recognize the quality of ham?
- from 18.00 to 24.00
- Tasting – Stand 9
Timeline: from 20.00 to 21.00
- Prof. Edi Piasentier
Professore Ordinario
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie ed Ambientali – Università di Udine - Saida Favotto
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie ed Ambientali – Università di Udine
- Analysis and sensory testing for the quality assessment of ham. An area equipped with tasting-stations, where participants can give their opinion on the quality of the hams tasted.
All about beer, from the field to the mug
Description of the supply-chain process
- from 18.00 to 24.00
- Tasting – Stand 9
Timeline: from 22.15 to 23.15
- Dott. Stefano Buiatti
Ricercatore Universitario
Dipartimento di Scienze Degli Alimenti – Università di Udine - Dott. Paolo Passaghe
- Dott. Stefano Bertoli
- Starting from raw materials, we proceed with the sensory analysis, the explanation of differences between industrial brewing and home brewing, to conclude with a focus on the nutritional aspects of beer.
Food safety in the region: focus on the rainbow trout
- Prof. Marco Galeotti
Professore ordinario
Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti – Università di Udine
- The purpose of the initiative is to inform the public about food safety in the rainbow trout chain in Friuli Venezia Giulia. This is supported by practical demonstrations under the microscope on the evaluation of lesions caused by disease.
Getting to the roots of a new diet
- from 18.00 to 24.00
- Theatral performances
- Prof. Raffaele Testolin
Professore ordinario
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie ed Ambientali – Università di Udine - Francesca Cerno
- Potatoes, tea and sugar cane are some of the products in the world which have changed eating styles and habits. News and curiosities about these extraordinary plants, narrated and performed by young actors.
Foods under inspection
- from 18.00 to 24.00
- Tasting – Stand 9
Timeline: from 18.45 to 19.45
- Prof. Lanfranco Conte
Professore ordinario
Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti – Università di Udine - Giorgia Purcaro
- Milena Marega
- In this stand there is much to discover about the nutritional properties and the controls on oil, fats and smoked products. In addition, we offer insights into the reduction of food contamination.
Apple stories
- Prof.ssa Maria Cristina Nicoli
Professore ordinario
- Sonia Calligaris
Ricercatore Universitario
- Prof.ssa Monica Anese
Professore Associato
- Lara Manzocco
Ricercatore Universitario
Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti – Università di Udine - Dott. Paolo Ermacora
Ricercatore Universitario
- Marta Martini
Ricercatore Universitario
Dipartimento di Scienza Agrarie ed Ambientali – Università di Udine - Agnese Panozzo
- Dott. Alberto Rumignani
- Serena Moruzzi
- An area where the new technological strategies for the improvement of food safety are explained, with particular reference to the nutritional and health-promotion properties. All “seasoned” with interesting explanations: the salad and the hydroponic culture; processing apples into juice.
Flavour and Knowledge Raising
- Prof. Giuseppe Comi
Professore ordinario
Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti – Università di Udine
- Some products made by bacteria or industrial yeasts are compared to others prepared with traditional micro-organisms. A challenge that affects bread, with only yeast or sourdough, and cheese, with or without probiotics.
- Dott. Andrea Tonello
Ricercatore Universitario
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Gestionale Meccanica – Università di Udine - Dott. Salvatore D’Alessandro
- Dott. Daniele Inserra
- Dott. Luca Di Bert
- Milena Biondi
- IA laboratory of home-automation to learn about the technological innovations that improve the quality of life at home, especially in the kitchen. A practical demonstration of some new technologies.
Tasting and Sensory Analysis
- 18.45 – 19.45 The nutritional properties and the controls on oil, fats and smoked products, with Gruppo di Ricerca del Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti
- 20.00 – 21.00 The ham with Gruppo di Ricerca del Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali
- 22.15 – 23.15 Bier with Gruppo di Ricerca del Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti
- All the laboratories of Science in Cooking
- This stand will carry out the various tasting, sensory tests and analyses proposed in the different activities of “Science in Cooking” on a rotational basis.
Science in Virtual Realities – Piazza Matteotti
Science in Virtual Realities
- Stand 10: Tourism away
- Stand 11: Discovering the Great Baths of Aquileia
- Stand 13: Technology and cultural heritage
- Stand 14: The secrets of electricity
- Stand 15: Re-construction
- Stand 16: Virtual driving experience
- Stand 17: Let’s spread our wings
- Stand 18: Microkopter, spy aircraft
- Stand 19: Virtual disasters. Getting ready for the emergencies through virtual reality
Tourism away
- Dott. Riccardo Bernardini
Ricercatore Universitario
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Gestionale Meccanica – Università di Udine
- An area dedicated to the virtual exploration of the mound at the University Farm.
Discovering the Great Baths of Aquileia
- Prof. Frederick Mario Fales
Professore ordinario
Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali – Università di Udine - Marina Rubinich
Ricercatore Universitario
Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali – Università di Udine
- A video overview proposed by the Research Team: from the virtual reconstruction of interiors and exteriors, entitled “The Great Baths of Aquileia: how were they?”, to the transformations of the thermal complex from the early Middle Ages to the present, entitled “The Great Baths after the Great Baths”. To follow, other videos about the methodology of stratigraphic excavation, the trainees’ activities and the history of excavations in Aquileia.
Four workshops dedicated to the Great Baths, catering for all ages: “Detect and reconstruct: survey techniques and aids for virtual reconstruction”; “From the pottery shard to the reconstruction of the ancient trade: the case of the transportable amphorae”; “Aquileia and the sea: the river port and its goods. The underwater archaeologist’s point of view”; “Men and animals in antiquity: archaezoological studies”.
Technology and cultural heritage – INFOBC
- Prof.ssa Donata Levi
Professore ordinario
Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela Beni Culturali – Università di Udine - Dott. Marco Mozzo
- Martina Visentin
- Metasearch engine, prototypes of mobile phones as contextual guides and 3D models to promote cultural heritage for the benefit of citizens and tourists.
The secrets of electricity
- A stand demonstrating an experiment that microscopically shows the behaviour of conductors and non-conductive materials present in an electrical circuit.
- Prof. Domenico Visintini
Professore associato
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Architettura – Università di Udine - in collaborazione con CIRMONT
Centro Internazionale di Ricerche Per la Montagna, Amaro (UD)
- Virtual reconstructions of buildings
Virtual visit to the cathedral of Aquileia and Venzone by means of the terrestrial scanning laser
Virtual driving experience
- Vi-Grade
Spin off – Università di Udine
- An area equipped with video streaming connection during the Night.
Let’s spread our wings
- Prof. Fasano
Istituto ITI Malignani
- A stand with a flight simulator from the “Malignani” Institute.
Microkopter, spy aircraft
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Prof. Fabio Crosilla
Professore ordinario
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Architettura – Università di Udine - Dott. Stefano Rizzotti
- An area that offers an example of a UAV designed for the study of landscape: the “MIKROKOPTER”
Virtual disasters. Getting ready for the emergencies through virtual reality
- Prof. Luca Chittaro
Professore Ordinario
Dipartimento di Matematica Informatica – Università di Udine - Dott. Roberto Ranon
Ricercatore Universitario
Dipartimento di Matematica Informatica – Università di Udine - Dott. Fabio Buttussi
Assegnista di ricerca - Dott. Stefano Burigat
Ricercatore universitario - Dott. Alberto Catto
Assegnista di ricerca - Dott. Riccardo Sioni
Dottorando in informatica - Dott. Nicola Zangrando
Assegnista di ricerca
- S.O.S. Blaze. Virtual experiences by means of a special helmet or stereoscopic projection and 3D glasses.
Science in the human body – Piazza Lionello e palazzo Morpurgo
Science in the human body
- Stand 20: Stem cells and regenerative medicine
- Stand 21: LabCUBEgress: evacuation situation
Stem cells and regenerative medicine
- Prof. Carlo Aberto Beltrami
Professore ordinario
Dipartimento Scienze Mediche e Biologiche – Università di Udine - Daniela Cesselli
Incaricato esterno di insegnamento
Università di Udine
- An insight into stem cells and regenerative medicine: methods, experiments and microscopic observation.
LabCUBEgress: evacuation situation
- Palazzo Morpurgo
- Via Savorgnana
- Dott. Stefano Grimaz
Ricercatore Universitario
Dipartimento di Chimica, Fisica e Ambiente – Università di Udine - Dott. Elia Tosolini
- Centro Studi e Ricerche SPRINT
Università di Udine
- This is a laboratory for the study of evacuation from confined spaces with safety risks. LabCUBEgress requires the active participation of the public, with video recordings of their actions and data measurement with subsequent evaluation. All this is accompanied by musical entertainment.